Lamprologus Cylindricus 4-5,5cm

Latijnse naam: Lamprologus cylindricus  Nederlandse naam: Lamprologus cylindricus  Familie: Cichlidae Herkomst: Tanganyika Waterlaag: Midden, bodem Max. Lengte: 12cm Temperatuur: 23 - 28 graden celcius Min. lengte aquarium: 100cm Voeding: Omnivoor Scholenvis: Ja/nee



Lake Tanganyika, surrounded by Burundi, Congo, Tanzania and Zambia, offers a living environment for a large variety of cichlids. The lake itself can be divided into 3 biotopes.

There are many areas with open water and only one sandy bottom. There are also rock biotopes. These can be found along the coastline and at underwater reefs. Finally, there are the snail house mountains, large mountains of snail houses that serve as living space for smaller cichlid species.

The water in Lake Tanganyika is fairly hard. This should certainly be taken into account in the aquarium, especially when wild cichlids are kept. These are very sensitive to deviating and fluctuating water values.

The ideal water values ​​are as follows. Ammonia and Nitrite: nil, Nitrate: <20 ppm, Ph: 7.8 - 8.5, Gh: 12 - 20, Kh: 10 - 15 and the temperature between 22 and 25 degrees Celsius.

Overpopulation in a Tanganyika aquarium leads to a lot of unrest and hunting. This is because the breeding behavior of these cichlids is completely different from, for example, the Malawicichlids. Tanganyika cichlids all need their own territory to breed. Therefore, think carefully about the species that you want to keep before setting up the aquarium. Do you go for many open spaces, rocks or mountains with snail houses? Or a mix of the 3 biotopes of course. Make this clear before buying the fish.

The most common species are Cyphotilapia Frontosa (rock dwellers), Julidochromis (rock dwellers), Cyprichromis (free swimmers), Lamprologus (snail cichlids), Tropheus (rock dwellers) or Altolamprologus (rock dwellers)

Provide sufficient variety in terms of food. Flakes or granules with lots of protein for the robbers and lots of fiber for the herbivores. Live and frozen food adapted to the size of the cichlid.


Altolamprologus Calvus Black Pearl 3-4cm

Altolamprologus Calvus Black Pearl 3-4cm


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Altolamprologus Calvus Black Pectoral 3-4cm

Altolamprologus Calvus Black Pectoral 3-4cm


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Altolamprologus Compressiceps Gold 3-4cm

Altolamprologus Compressiceps Gold 3-4cm


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Cyatopharynx Furcifer

Cyatopharynx Furcifer


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Cyphotilapia Frontosa

Cyphotilapia Frontosa


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Cyphotilapia Frontosa 7cm

Cyphotilapia Frontosa 7cm


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Cyphotilapia Frontosa Blue Mpimbwe

Cyphotilapia Frontosa Blue Mpimbwe


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Cyphotilapia Frontosa zambia blue 3-4cm

Cyphotilapia Frontosa zambia blue 3-4cm


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Cyprichromis Leptosoma jumbo Kitumba

Cyprichromis Leptosoma jumbo Kitumba


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Cyprichromis leptosoma jumbo yellow head 4-5cm

Cyprichromis leptosoma jumbo yellow head 4-5cm


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Cyprichromis leptosoma Kigoma 3-4cm

Cyprichromis leptosoma Kigoma 3-4cm


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Cyprichromis Leptosoma Moba

Cyprichromis Leptosoma Moba


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Cyprichromis leptosoma Mpulungu 3-4cm

Cyprichromis leptosoma Mpulungu 3-4cm


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Cyprichromis leptosoma Turquoise flame

Cyprichromis leptosoma Turquoise flame


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Enantiopus Melanogenys kigoma 4-5cm

Enantiopus Melanogenys kigoma 4-5cm


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Enantiopus Melanogenys kilesa 5-6cm

Enantiopus Melanogenys kilesa 5-6cm


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Enantiopus Melanogenys Utinta 4-5cm

Enantiopus Melanogenys Utinta 4-5cm


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Julidochromis Gombi

Julidochromis Gombi


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Julidochromis Regani 4-5cm

Julidochromis Regani 4-5cm


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Julidochromis Regani Kipili

Julidochromis Regani Kipili


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Julidochromis Transcriptus

Julidochromis Transcriptus


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Lamprologus Attenuatus 5cm

Lamprologus Attenuatus 5cm


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Lamprologus Brevis 4-5cm

Lamprologus Brevis 4-5cm


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Lamprologus Buescheri Katoto 3.5-4.5cm

Lamprologus Buescheri Katoto 3.5-4.5cm


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